Our Colleagues Visited Institute in Teramo

Begining of monitoring the effectiveness of oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies
14. 02. 2018.
Study Visits to Company “Biosellal” and Laboratory “Agrivalys 71”
09. 04. 2018.
Begining of monitoring the effectiveness of oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies
14. 02. 2018.
Study Visits to Company “Biosellal” and Laboratory “Agrivalys 71”
09. 04. 2018.

Our Colleagues Visited Institute in Teramo

From the March 12th to 14th 2 2018, our colleagues Milanko Sekler and Miso Kolarevic have been visited ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE dell Abruzzo e dell Molise “G: Caporale”, Teramo, Italy (IZS). The visit was organized for the purpose of training in detection and determination of Bluetongue disease’s vectors. Training was preformed by colleagues from entomological department and was consisted of theoretic lessons and practical work.

Through theoretic part, basic morphological characteristics of cullicoides were present, territorial distribution of some species, role of cullicoides in transmission of some other diseases such as African Horse Sickness, basic principals in appropriate samples collecting, preparation and sample storage, also.

During the practical part of training, our colleagues had a task to determine total amount of insects in laboratory sample, number and species of vector and nonvector species of cullicoides and possible presence of Cullicoides иmicola.

Аfter completion of training, participants were given certificate of attendance. Model, intensity of training and competent trainers gave to participants skills which will, (through routine daily work), make them independent in detection and identification of these kind of insects.

The visit was an opportunity for the experience exchange with some other colleagues about subjects that were not part of training, such as epidemiology and diagnostic techniques for Lumpy Skin Disease.

Common conclusion is that it will be useful to seek for models and ideas for the future cooperation between IZS and Veterinary Specialized Institute “Kraljevo”, so both sides will work on it in next weeks and months.

Special thanks to Mrs. Maria Goffredo and her associates Adrianа Santilli and Giusepe Mancini for the unselfish knowledge transfer, kindness and hospitality.