Regional Training Course on Capturing Wildlife Animals and Collecting Samples
23. 10. 2023.Annual meeting of National reference laboratory

On 28.11.2024. the annual meeting organized by our institution as a national reference laboratory for certain diseases was held in the Veterinary Specialist Institute Kraljevo. The meeting was attended by representatives of all veterinary Specialists and Scientific institutes (veterinary epidemiologists and experts in the field of laboratory diagnostics). The topics of the conference were the analysis of the current epizootiological situation of Avian influenza, West Nile fever, Newcastle disease of poultry, and Pox of Sheep and Goats, as well as the presentation of the results of the monitoring carried out in the previous period on the mentioned diseases in the Republic of Serbia. Also, our experts in the field of molecular diagnostics presented the latest findings and the latest EU reference laboratories’ recommendations in the field of diagnostics of the mentioned diseases to harmonize the way of work at the level of all laboratories in the country. During the meeting, the results of the conducted inter-laboratory tests, which were organized by our institution as a national reference laboratory in the previous period, were also analyzed.