Visit of the delegation from Kazakhstan

Begining of monitoring the effectiveness of oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies
14. 02. 2018.
Begining of monitoring the effectiveness of oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies
14. 02. 2018.

Visit of the delegation from Kazakhstan

From January the 22.nd to, 2018., Veterinary Specialized Institute “Kraljevo have been visited by delegation from Kazakhstan consisted of colleagues from National Reference Center for Veterinary-Astana, Republic Veterinary Laboratory-Astana и Кazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute-Almaty.

The visit was organized in accordance with agreement of competent ministries of  Kazakhstan and Republic of Serbia in order to exchange experiences in control measures for LSD-Lumpy Skin Disease.

During the visit guests from Kazakhstan are provided with training in molecular, serological and pathohistological methods for detection and differentiation LSD and Capripox viruses and also in implementation measures early recognition, prevention of spreading, control and eradication of this disease.

At the same time, colleagues from Kazakhstan had the opportunity, through presentations and in direct conversation, to get a picture about Institute’s history, results, equipment and human resources. Colleagues from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management-Veterinary Directorate presented organization structure of veterinary service in Serbia and measures for LSD control during the outbreak in 2016. Guests replied with presentation of their capacities and veterinary service structure.

Common conclusion is that this visit is the first step in establishing the cooperation between our institutions and that next should be compliance and signing of cooperation protocol. It was noted that the key fields in future cooperation are training for young scientists and joint publishing of scientific papers.

Free time was used to visit Monestery Zica (XII century) and Vrnjacka Spa, but also for socializing.

According to the guests, wear most beautiful impressions from institute, and also from Kraljevo and Serbia with an emphasis on warmth and hospitality.

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management-Veterinary Directorate has fiven full support in preparation and realization of the visit