Study Visits to Company “Biosellal” and Laboratory “Agrivalys 71”
09. 04. 2018.
Expert Mission within the Tweening Project
27. 04. 2018.Visit of Military Health Department of Ministry of Defence with their guests

Shortly before 20th Syimposium of epizootiologists and epidemiologists held from April the 18.th to 20.th, delegation of Military Health Department of Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia have visited Veterinary Specialized Institute Kraljevo. Delegation was consisted of members of Vet Services Center together with they guests on the Symposium, members of military veterinary services from Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Norway and Great Britain.
The delegation had opportunity to get insight into history of the Institute, work area, scope of laboratory testing, human and equipment resources, main results etc. After the presentation, tour through the Institute’s laboratories were organized.